My sweet Colby only a few weeks old |
Colby Watson Cook....my precious middle boy turned 6 years old on February 10, 2012! There really are so many things about this kid that just overflow my heart with JOY! I know as parents, we can sometimes overly exaggerate the positives about our children, but I can honestly say with Colby....it is NO exaggeration (and most people who know him would probably agree)! He is one of the most kind-hearted, unselfish, thankful children I know. He is laid back, rarely gets in trouble for anything, is so well-mannered, and goes out of his way to make sure I know how much he loves and appreciates what I do for him. For example, he thanks me every time I cook anything (even if it's a pop-tart), offers to help clean up after himself and his brothers, asks me how I'm feeling about things, offers hugs and snuggles on a very regular basis, and truly obeys without questioning, on the first time on most occasions! Sure, he can get sassy from time to time, not obey, pick on his brothers, and have some melt-downs that are ear-piercing, but not too terribly often. He is a great balance between his older and younger brother, who tend to be on the more dramatic side! Just last week, when I was tucking him in bed he said, "mommy, don't let the bed bugs bite you, because you are just too beautiful"....seriously, he melts my heart with his sweetness!
Colby with his sweet teacher, Mrs. Norris, having the class guess what the treat he brought was! |
I went to his school to celebrate on his special day. He also just happened to be selected as "Student of the Week" this week, so he was giving his class clues to guess what the special treat we brought was......Cookie Cake!!
He got a MarioKart Wii game from his Nonny and Papa- it's actually his 2nd one....they broke their 1st one and he's been wanting another one forever. He was so excited!
His "Harry Potter" birthday cake |
Colby with Mrs. Tessie |
Colby with Papa and Nonny |
Dad and Mom with Colby at Chuck E Cheeses |
He had a birthday party at Chuck E Cheeses with the boys from his class, his brothers, and 2 other good friends. They had a BLAST!! Lots of excitement and EASY preparation/ clean up for mom! My kind of party!!
Wearing his "Crown of Tokens" at Chuck E Cheese |
My sweet 6 year old |
Happy, Happy Birthday Colby Cook!! You are LOVED!!
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