The Boys on Christmas morning- Cooper, Colby, and Carson |
Jesus Birthday Celebration and Kid's Ornament Exchange |
Making Christmas Sugar Cookies |
Cooper making sugar cookies in his own style- underwear and boots only!! |
Community Group Christmas party- Love these people! |
Seems like our December has been full of activities and has flown by at lightning speed!! Cooper had his 3 month MRI on the 12th to monitor the questionable lymph node that was of concern from his September MRI. We got the great news on the lymph node was unchanged, however, there was a new place in the original tumor area that showed up with the December scan. Thankfully, after a CT scan on December 29th, it was determined that this "new" concern is most likely dental in nature. We will go back in 3 months for another MRI and if all remains unquestionable, we will get to continue with 6 month scans again.
Cooper with his sweet cousin, Emma |
Colby's class Christmas party |
Colby making his Gingerbread house |
Aside from all of that, we have had lots of fun with school parties, birthday for Jesus parties with friends and neighbors, ornament and gingerbread house-making parties, Christmas celebrations with family, making ornaments, visit to Opryland, bowling with friends, drives to look at Christmas lights, playing games, date nights, movies, making sugar cookies, and on and on!!! It has been jam-packed and full of JOY!!! We are blessed beyond words and thankful for all that God has given us.....especially HIS son!