February is a BIG month in the Cook home. Colby's birthday is the 10th and his daddy says that Colby was the best birthday present he ever got....as he celebrates on the 13th. I just wanted to take a minute to reflect on my sweet Colby Watson Cook, as he turned 7 years old this year.

Colby is truly one of the most thoughtful, kind-hearted kids I know. (I know I'm his mom and a little biased, but you can really ask anyone and they would probably say the same thing). He amazes me the way he puts others before himself and goes out of his way to make others feel good about themselves. It is not unusual for him to tell me at any random moment how much he loves me and that I am the best mommy in the world. He loves hugs and all things "snuggly". For example, you could give this kid a soft pair of pj's, a stuffed animal, or even a soft blanket and he is thrilled!! I have loved watching him as he has really gained confidence in school and in sports this past year. His determination and persistence to face obstacles is a character trait that I hope he will carry on into adulthood, because there is no doubt that Colby will accomplish whatever he sets his mind to. Happy 7th Birthday, Colby! You are LOVED!