April came crashing to a sudden end. I felt as though I hardly came up for air, as baseball was in FULL motion. The boys' grandma came to town and stayed a week with us. She got to go to lots of baseball, which was a treat for her to see them playing the sport their daddy (and her son) loved.
We then seemed to rush full force into the month of May. Baseball continued on a crazy schedule with literally 2 "nights off" during the season, due to weather or a rescheduled game. Those were welcome nights!

Cooper got the game ball after playing his game on field 5...Carson was warming up on Field 6 , right next to it, so he took his "game ball picture" with Carson in the background, about to start his game! |
There were also lots of school activities going on like Field Day, Kindergarten program, 5th grade program, parent/student kick-ball game plus lunch, Mother's Day, Carson's birthday, my parents and sister and nephew came to town, Cub Scouts awards, IEP meetings, Cooper Trooper event and taxes due, and end of the year room-mom responsibilities and teacher gifts. All of this while our back yard is being gutted to do a new outdoor patio area. I'm pretty sure I am leaving out other things. I did get to squeeze in one night with girlfriends to do a "favorite things" dinner. We each brought 10 of our favorite things to give out to each other. So much fun. These ladies keep me sane....really! May is truly madness!
Carson with Aunt Lauren |
The boys on Mother's Day. We ate lunch at one of our favorite places...Garcia's, after church. I should have asked someone to take my picture with the boys, since it was Mother's day. Oh well. |
Cooper was one of the 3 Musketeers in his school program. He did great! He is with his teacher, Mrs. Norris after the play. Lots of memories and emotions stirred up on this day, because Colby had the same part when he was in K and Mrs. Norris and I couldn't help but remember how Rod worked so hard with Colby on his part. |
And the project begins! We are doing the design that Rod had dreamed about and discussed with a contractor before he died. Thankful to see his vision come to life, but I sure wish he were here to enjoy it with me and the boys.
Field Day at Trinity |
Nonny and Papa with the boys at Chuy's |
Colby getting his cub scout award |
Me with some of my girls exchanging our favorite things! |
So proud of my soon-to-be middle schooler |
I'm exhausted and emotionally drained. I'm grateful for a whole lot of people who have invested in my boys' lives. I haven't slowed down quite enough for many of my feelings to really sink in. If that even makes any sense. I know I hate doing all of this alone, but the pride that comes with being these boys' mom, helps balance the loneliness with joy. Looking forward to a little more laid back June!