Today was Carson's first 1/2 day at Kindergarten! They have to drag it out a while before the Kindergartener's go full days like everyone else. Last night it was obvious to me that he was feeling a little nervous about going. He had about 50 questions right before bed about everything from "when was recess?" to "what would be served in the cafeteria?" We talked a while and prayed and then I should have known it was going to be trouble when he started wanting to know how early he could get up- can I get up when the 1st number says "6"?, I said that would be okay, but then he wanted to know if he could get up when the 1st number on the clock said "4"!!!! He came downstairs at 2 minutes after 6am and said he didn't sleep good all night. Of course, when I asked if it was because he was nervous about school, he said, "oh, no mom, I am just excited". Well, he walked right in like a big boy, acting put out that I needed to take pictures. He had that look that if I stayed just a little too long or gave him too much attention, the flood gates were going to fly open, so I very quickly said, "see you later, have a great day". I got in the car and cried for a few minutes, but overall did pretty good I thought. I have to say that holding Carson back for Kindergarten was the absolute BEST decision for us. He is so ready this year, which just makes it a lot easier on me too.
According to Carson, the following were the best parts of his day:
- "I love the cafeteria, mom, the hot dogs are delicious!"- Yes, he used the word "delicious"!
- "It was a little boring because there were not a lot of toys to play with"
- "One of my favorite things today was helping a boy in my class who can't really talk, you know, he uses sign language, not "human language" to talk.
-"things will really get good when I can ride the bus and stay ALL day"- (told you, he is READY)
- When asked by his dad how his day was, he said, "totally AWESOME"
We are so thrilled about his teacher, Miss Riggs- she is truly God's provision for Carson and his 1st year of school- I am already convinced of th
is- TOP NOTCH!!!
According to Carson, the following were the best parts of his day:
- "I love the cafeteria, mom, the hot dogs are delicious!"- Yes, he used the word "delicious"!
- "It was a little boring because there were not a lot of toys to play with"
- "One of my favorite things today was helping a boy in my class who can't really talk, you know, he uses sign language, not "human language" to talk.
-"things will really get good when I can ride the bus and stay ALL day"- (told you, he is READY)
- When asked by his dad how his day was, he said, "totally AWESOME"
We are so thrilled about his teacher, Miss Riggs- she is truly God's provision for Carson and his 1st year of school- I am already convinced of th
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