Cooper has officially been given the nickname "spider monkey" by my husband!! A few weeks ago when the historical flood hit the Nashville area, my sweet hubby was on full-time duty with our 3 boys while I was away on a girl's trip with some dear friends. It was during this time, that my wild little almost-2-year-old, rocked daddy's world and hence received the nickname. I received a text from Bunky saying, "Cooper is like a caged spider monkey who has been cut loose". Cooper truly is into EVERYTHING! When I say everything, I don't mean toys, baby Einstein movies, or anything that little boys his age "should" be into- I mean toilets, coloring on the walls, destroying everything in sight, trash digging, climbing on tables, staplers, screwdrivers........ and the list goes on and on. He is non-stop and runs everywhere looking for the next thing to destroy!!

I came back from my trip to an exhausted husband, who truly has a new-found appreciation for my daily routine with the kids. And although I want to pull my hair out most days, I sit back and truly marvel at all God has done in his little life. I can't help but be thankful for his "high energy" and know that things could be very different with this little "Spider monkey", so I just try to remind myself of that on those days that I want to flush him right down the toilet along with all of the toys, food, toothbrushes, etc that he himself has managed to flush down!! :)
How many pieces can I tear this into??
In Daddy's office with the stapler!
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