It seems like since before Christmas, someone in this family has been sick! I used to brag about how we seemed to dodge a lot of the illnesses going around, but this year has proven different. No matter how much we wash hands, lysol and disinfect every thing, and take all the right precautions.....we have still managed to get everything from strep, stomach bugs, and fever viruses! Cooper usually tends to get it the worst, with his compromised upper respiratory stuff. I hear the sound of his nebulizer in my dreams often, after all the breathing treatments we have had to give him! Boy- will I ever be glad for the spring to come and the illnesses to go!
I thought it would be fun to remember how each child's personality is when they are they are so different. So, here is the "typical" when it comes to each one when they are sick:
Carson- Ultra dramatic, you would think he is at "death's door" with even so much as a cough. Needs lots of attention and wants someone close by. Typically, comes down to our room at least 2-3 times a night when sick. Likes to have the following items surrounding the head of his bed or in near reach: a flashlight, a full glass of water, extra blankets, an extra pillow, a full box of tissue, humidifier, barf pan, and a hand towel. We have to set up "shop" to accommodate.
Colby- Doesn't complain- the only way you know he is sick is if he actually has visible symptoms OR from the "look" in his eyes....they are usually droopy and red when he runs a fever. He may be a little more whiny than normal. His only request is to stay in his pj's all day, otherwise, you could basically just leave him alone. His typical response when I check to see how he is feeling is, "a little bit good and a little bit bad".
Cooper- I am truly convinced that it takes a WHOLE lot to get this kid down. He is a bit more clingy when sick, but the magic number for him is a temp of 102.5 or higher- if it's below that, forget it- you wouldn't know anything is wrong. He runs around like a wild Indian. He sounds like he is going to cough his lungs up and out of his chest, but is used to getting up throughout the night to get breathing treatments, so he just rolls with it usually. I feel guilty saying this, but if he's going to be sick then I would just assume he have a higher fever to slow the child down a little! :)
This is Cooper with a fever of 103.8 and pneumonia- Check out Carson's face (He's crazy). None of us know how to react when Cooper slows down this much, because it is so rare! |