Colby on his 1st day of Kindergarten |
This was a big year for our sweet Colby, who started Kindergarten!! Thankfully, big brother, Carson is in 2nd grade at Trinity Elementary and is really good at showing little brother the "ropes"!! Colby has watched Carson get on and off the bus for 2 years now, and could hardly wait to do it himself. He told me he was a little bit nervous before the first day, but I think he was mostly just excited to be a big school boy!
Carson on his 1st day of 2nd Grade
Cooper really misses both of them a lot. He cannot wait for them to get home each day. He goes to Mom's Day Out twice a week and calls that his "school", so that will have to do for Cooper for now!
Carson was such a sweet, big brother and walked Colby to his classroom each morning when they got off the bus for the first couple of weeks. He also would look for him in the cafeteria and told me he always waved to him to "make sure he knows I am looking out for him"....I can only hope these boys continue to have each other's back as they get older! They also sit together on the bus, which is a big deal, because Carson could choose to sit toward the back of the bus with his buddies his age, but chooses to stay with Colby. This makes my mama's heart so happy! Don't get me wrong, they can torture each other, but they really do stick up for each other when it comes down to it.
Colby waiting to ride the bus for the 1st time! My big Kindergartener, Colby, riding the bus! Colby with Mrs. Norris
Carson is in Mrs. Sharpe's 2nd grade class and had a few friends from previous classes, as well as one of his best neighborhood buddies, Sam Carneal in his class. Colby is in Mrs. Norris' class. We are thrilled to have her and Carson informed Colby that Mrs. Norris is the BEST teacher he could have in Kindergarten! Colby had a few friends he already knew from baseball, as well as a few neighborhood friends in his class. Both boys are off to a GREAT start this year!
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