A profound moment happened last night between my oldest 2 boys! Carson and Colby were in the back seat of the car just chatting back and forth. A lot of the time I tune them out and am singing at the top of my lungs, but last night they totally caught my attention by what they were saying and I just had to write this one down.
Carson: "Am I your favorite brother, Colby?"
Colby: "Yes, but I not like you, Tarson"
Carson: "Why don't you like me, do you hate me?"
Colby: "I not hate you, I just not like you"
Carson: "Well, if I am your favorite brother then why don't you like me?"
Colby: "Cuz you just hit me all da time and putted tickers on my butt"- (We had just left the grocery store, where the cashier gave them stickers, so Carson proceeded to stick stickers ALL over Colby, including his behind)
Carson: "But I thought you loved me"
Colby: "I do love you, I just not like you"
Carson: "Mom, Colby is just crazy- he doesn't know what he is saying- how can Colby say he doesn't like me but say he loves me- you can't love someone and not like them, can you?"
Mommy: "Oh, yes, it is very possible to love someone and not like them too much sometimes"
His expression was so priceless- He just could not believe the 2 could go hand in hand! It's funny how little lessons about life pop up in conversations when you listen for them.
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